JTAC Interventions
Get a FREE Prescription Medicine Lockbox
Protect your family by securing all prescription medications in your home with this FREE “Prescription Medicine Lockbox.” For your FREE Lockbox please contact us today at (609) 272-0101 ext. 22 or email [email protected]
2023 Middle School PSA Contest
JTAC held an underage drinking prevention middle school public service announcement contest for 6 - 8th graders in Atlantic County. Students were invited to create an 8.5 x 11-inch landscape direction, PSA, as a message to parents from youth about the dangers of underage marijuana or alcohol use or providing either substance to those under 21. The top three winners have received prizes and the 1st place winner’s entry has been turned into a billboard!
First place winner: Aizah Haider from Texas Avenue Middle School
Second place winner: A Buena Regional Middle School student
Third place winner: A Buena Regional Middle School student
WHAT IS THIS? This display will include handwritten anonymous thoughts, opinions, pictures and personal stories on addiction from members of the community. The purpose of this project is to capture society's perception on addiction and help expose the unwanted stigma associated with it through the language we use when discussing addiction.
Over the past three years Join Together Atlantic County has worked with Stockton University service learning classes on developing the Substance Misuse Strangers Project. Each year a new group of students are given the task of collecting personal thoughts, opinions and stories from strangers at tabling events. They then displayed what they collected on campus for others to read. Join Together Atlantic County will now be displaying the Substance Misuse Strangers Project at The Mays Landing Library for the entire month of September for Recovery Month. In addition to the display there will be a plethora of information and resources pertaining to substance misuse prevention and treatment. This display will travel to other libraries in Atlantic County throughout the year.
Over the past three years Join Together Atlantic County has worked with Stockton University service learning classes on developing the Substance Misuse Strangers Project. Each year a new group of students are given the task of collecting personal thoughts, opinions and stories from strangers at tabling events. They then displayed what they collected on campus for others to read. Join Together Atlantic County will now be displaying the Substance Misuse Strangers Project at The Mays Landing Library for the entire month of September for Recovery Month. In addition to the display there will be a plethora of information and resources pertaining to substance misuse prevention and treatment. This display will travel to other libraries in Atlantic County throughout the year.

the_strangers_project.pdf |
Prescription Medication Drop Boxes
JTAC has partnered with various police departments and pharmacies throughout the county to place prescription medication drop boxes in their facilities. In 2022, we collected over 1,520 pounds of prescription medications.
Over 70lbs of unused, unwanted, or expired medications collected on March 28th from five different high rises in Atlantic City. Great work between ACPD, ACPO, JTAC and Assemblyman John Armato.