Join Together Atlantic County/Opioid Task Force planned or discussed interventions
- Permanent prescription drop boxes in police departments
- Educate police officers/EMTs in-service/academy about addiction and current issues
- Police officers carry Naloxone (Narcan) on duty
- Substance abuse resource guide for police departments/community
- Educate community on proper disposal of medication
- Distribute locking medicine cabinets
- Hospital discharge instructions include information about addiction and treatment
- Initiate a proposal or formal request to our area health care partners/ hospitals for an emergency room (in-house) plan for intake with substance abuse or overdose patients, including list of additional resources for referrals for more services
- Encourage physicians to utilize PDMP
- Education for Physicians- Do No Harm Symposium, addiction information
- Pharmacies distribute information on proper disposal
- Educate realtors to have clients remove medications during open houses
- Educate funeral home directors to have medications removed after a death
- Update School Drug Policies
- Offer training to school staff/counselors (at all levels) in substance abuse
- Recommend that elementary schools conduct ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) survey with their students. This is a predictive tool that can point to students already in need of services
- Availability of Naloxone (Narcan) in schools
- Parent/Youth/Community Education
- Faith based recovery programs resource list/provide faith based organizations with a list of additional resources for referrals
- Do No Harm Symposium for faith based organizations
- Youth treatment availability/barriers
- Encourage the use of peer to peer support groups such as Hope All Day Recovery Center